Specimen N. C8801 / Alexander

What you might need to ask him: Does he ever recall being abducted by aliens?
Specimen N. C8810 / Irena

What you might need to ask her: What really happened on the last night of BSSS 05?
Specimen N. C88178 / Dzadze
We call her Dzadze you can do the same...We have to warn you
She is mostly known for her endless creativity though. She's the newest and youngest member in our team, but take her signature as soon as possible cause tomorrow she might be living in Hollywood like a famous actress. If you see someone madly parachuting in the air that might be her and her second wish coming true... She adores monkeys so if you buy her one she'll adore you too :)
So that's all folks!
Specimen N. C8811 / Martin

What you might need to ask him: How does he know what direction to take if it’s raining?
Specimen N. C8812 / Vesna

What you might need to ask her: Is it true that her baby turtle managed to escape from her?
Specimen N. C8805/ Damjan Cvetkov Dimitrov Once cl
assified as an organism, and once classified as a mammal, he contradicts himself constantly by releasing thou
ghts in the air that travel through the ear drum or the retina to the brain. Hunting for some nice compact truth and some leftover reality is his main obsession, while driving out the squirrels to their own dimension is his hobby. He says HI, and has independent locomotion on each ear.
Specimen N. C8802 / Boro

What you might need to ask him: What’s it like to see everything from a bird’s viewpoint?
Specimen N. C8807 / Vladislav

What you might need to ask him: What’s his favourite number .. 1 or 0? :-)
Specimen N. C8806 / Boris
You will probably see this specimen the least. The reason for this might be because he’s vibrating with the speed of sound. Always partying and never at home, Boris has shown the professionalism required within a team. Of course this does not stop him from being childish and adventurous most of the time. .
What you might need to ask him: Does he realise that he’s giving people a “short hair” complex?
Specimen N. C8814/ Eleonora
The info received directly from this specimen is little due to short observation time. However, the info gathered from her fellow specimens is absolutely overwhelming. She has been recognized as a skilled leader, good friend and a journalist you shouldn’t play
around with:-). Eleonora is always up to new challenges and ready to amaze people with her ideas, enthusiasm and passion for work.
What you might need to ask her: Does she realise how much she was missed?
What would I like to ask her: Can she smuggle you to Lisbon?
Specimen N. C8818 / Andrew
This specimen is truly intriguing. He honestly thinks he’s a Mallard. And what’s even stranger
is that everyone around him believes this absolutely unsubstantiated story. This blue – eyed enthusiast is well known for his kitchen parties and flying abilities. A courageous man who believes that impossible is nothing. Andrew not only went after his dream of C8 but now has to deal with them every day:-). Our research shows that this Mallard is considered one of the most inspiring feather creatures Macedonian youth has ever seen. This Mallard is convinced that growing up is optional.
What you might need to ask him: What's it like to fly?
Specimen N. C8819 / Paul
This English-speaking, camera addicted, fearless Skylord suffers from the same illness like everyone else from this group. Only Paul believes he’s a Teddy Bear. We’ve tried to convince him that bears don’t fly … but every attempt has failed. Professional and encouraging, this beer – loving furry creature is a true nutter for young people. Throughout training and mentoring the younger specimens, he has empowered and showed them how to use the power of film and media to realise ideas. Warning, he’s known for his ability to bring out the best in people, so if you don’t wanna ruin your reputation stay away. Always lovable and goofy…
What would I like to ask him: Does beer - healing – therapy work?
Specimen N. C8820 / Eli
You can easily spot this one. Huge smile, big brown eyes and the truly inspiring effect she has on people. Her case is the worst, I’m afraid. She claims to be an imaginary mythical creature called The Treehuger. Though, hard working and busy during daylight, or outgoing and dynamic during the night, her positive energy and optimism are highly contagious. This true professional in the art of living is the team’s leader.
What would I like to ask her: When is she planning to buy a van so that the whole team can fit in it?

What you might need to ask him: Does he realise that he’s giving people a “short hair” complex?
Specimen N. C8814/ Eleonora
The info received directly from this specimen is little due to short observation time. However, the info gathered from her fellow specimens is absolutely overwhelming. She has been recognized as a skilled leader, good friend and a journalist you shouldn’t play

What you might need to ask her: Does she realise how much she was missed?
What would I like to ask her: Can she smuggle you to Lisbon?
Specimen N. C8818 / Andrew
This specimen is truly intriguing. He honestly thinks he’s a Mallard. And what’s even stranger

What you might need to ask him: What's it like to fly?
Specimen N. C8819 / Paul

What would I like to ask him: Does beer - healing – therapy work?
Specimen N. C8820 / Eli

What would I like to ask her: When is she planning to buy a van so that the whole team can fit in it?
where is Jaja, isnt not fair?!?!?!
its MeMyselfDaniel
People should read this.
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