… but what we could say about ourselves is that we are

And just like every dreamer we searched for a way to get things done! And we searched for something that would give us a boost sky high :) Well, we found it .. or to be more accurate, it found us .. :P Of course it was the British Council Macedonia. It not only started the initiative to create such a project and provided training and support but it also got us together, gathered us from the busy streets of our country and our continent :) and it was such blend in deed.
But why play with matches?
Answer: To light up the fire even more! Dohhh … you should have known that ;) Joking … Well, in our case Blue Sky was the fire. Those of you who are familiar with it should know what it means and understand why you must experience it 1st hand, but for those of you that do not know here's some more info (hopefully they have a definition J):
- Blue Sky (flying high) is the biggest youth network in Macedonia. Blue Sky is also a project of the British Council and it has been running successfully for 5 years now. It has more than 1200 members all across the country and many event during the whole year. But definitely the most special one is the famous 10 day Blue Sky Summer School. It’s absolutely wild & extremely crazy … but you can find more bout that on www.bluesky.org.mk … So, as time passed and Blue Sky got bigger a need appeared to get the summer school filmed …
And that's were we came in … what a better way to document the Blue Sky life changing and fulfilling experience than to create a film crew project that would film it and then make miracles with the already enchanting material
That unforgettable day we hatched …

Of course there's not only 8 of us ….
Probably the most frequent question people ask us right after we introduce ourselves is …
- Why is there an 8 at the end your name if you're more than 20 people?
The answer to that question is as simple as they get. It's not an 8!!!
Gotcha ya :P
When you have an 8 like that and decide to give it push so that it fall down horizontally you get ~ … and then you'd know that it's a symbol for something … but if it doesn't ring a bell then you didn't pay enough attention to you math's teacher … because he/she would have probably explained that that horizontal eight is actually the math's symbol for eternity. So, there you have it … eternally Creative :) Think outside the box .. remember?
The drugs we take and deal …
What you need to know about our team is that our purpose is not to become the ultimate professional production, shoot Hollywood blockbusters, make tones of money, have loads of

You see, we live in the real world and in a country where not everything is possible (yet!) … therefore looking ourselves in the mirror we thought that it would only be brilliant and noble to dedicate ourselves & our work to the very thing that got us involved in C8 and ultimately changed our lives.
Youth people and their Voice!!! Our Voice!!!
The thing is that all of us, in Cre8ive8, realized that both film and media can be such powerful tools that can be used to question negative views, prejudices but at the same time create an opportunity for young people to be heard … because as Andrew says:
"Young people are not the future. They are the present!"
This according to us is one of the most important things in the world along with finding the way to express our creativity :) And so, we have adopted the Kevin Spacey Pay It Forward Concept :P
… Of course little fame wouldn't hurt :P
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