Thursday, December 20, 2007

LoFt Teambuilding Film Workshop

Believe it or believe it Cre8ive8 managed to get to LOFT right before the end of the end of 2007… of course not literally speaking, cause after all not many words keep their literal meaning in the mad world of Cre8ive8.

Anyways, we really had a contact with LOFT, which in the C8 dictionary means:

- LoFT (>loft<) Leap of Faith Together project aiming to break stereotypes among young people, by implementing a local project in Skopje and bilateral exchange with teams from BiH and Romania. The Macedonian team is consisted of 8 people aged 20-25 (hurray hurray finally no toddlers :) cause in the previous experiences we worked with 14-18 years participants)
Basically working with a project like LoFT was an astronomic challenge since it is all about activating and empowering young people, and that is what C8 does as well.

And the 1st part of our game of cooperation with LOFT included: Cre8ive8 to run a teambuilding session for the Macedonian LOFT team. Or to be more precise, that means that our task was to rumble the LOFT team, to awaken the team spirit, and let the creative animals escape the ZOO :) Therefore, we started the team building session with the famous animal game. Luckily, the security cameras didn't capture sound, cause I'm sure that the security would have been on alert if they had heard the wild animal sounds produced during this game. In addition, we fed the 'hungry animals' with the 'Fruit Salad' that was the second warm up game. These 2 small games, which relaxed our LOFT team, were just the beginning for the real challenge that was coming. Opening the door of the ultrawild metacreative world of film that was. We provided a short lecture revealing few of the secrets of writing a storyboard and using a camera. And then, the LOFT team was put on test: unleashing their creativity for start and making up the most cre8ive story for toothpaste commercial. If you can imagine your white healthy tooth as a sexy girl, and a black unhealty tooth as an unattractive guy chasing her, and all that happening in your mouth at this very moment cause you are don't use toothpaste, than you can imagine the creativity this team showed :) . The rest will be revealed in the C8 year 8888 :)

The next part of the game involved real filming task: the team was divided in 2 groups each working on a short clip on presenting the Macedonian LOFT team. So, as a result of this teambuilding in the C8 lab, we have two funny and brilliant short films presenting the activities of the Macedonian LOFT team.

The end :)

More details will be revealed again in the C8 year of 8888 on the 8th of the eight… stay tuned till then :)

Saturday, December 01, 2007

A Participant's View of Our Film Workshops

When I started my trip from Veles I knew that it' s going to be one great experience for me. Even though It has been two months since the workshop my memories are still fresh enough to write something interesting about it. I started the workshop as a veal in the first icebreaker, and after that I got a penguin, a dog and a cat in the second game :) As we had our training I starter feeling as a real film maker first during the bubble gum presentation and than during the filming of the Paloma advert. :) I really had a great time with all those people. I learned a lot about filming. I'm grateful to Cre8ive8 that gave me the opportunity to have a great day filled with friendship, creativity and craziness :)

- by Ivana Stojkovska

Monday, November 12, 2007


После успешните први работилници, каде младите учесници направија свои кратки видео клипови, ве покануваме на уште едно лудо возење кое ке ви овозможи да стекнете нови знаења во областа на филмот....

Cre8ive8 e младинска филмска продукција поддржана од Британскиот Совет во Македонија. Oваа есен, Cre8ive8 организира три еднодневни филмски работилници кои ќе бидат одржани од млади филмски ентузијасти - членови на Cre8ive8.

За учество на работилниците можат да се пријават сите средношколци од 15 до 18 години со живеалиште во Скопје, и со интерес за филм и филмска продукција.

Пријавувањето за втората работилница е до 21 ноември 2007 г. Избраните учесници ќе бидат известени до 23 ноември, а втората работилница ке се одржи на 24 ноември во просториите на Британскиот совет во Македонија(народна библиотека).

Како да се пријавите: симнете ја пријавата (.doc 48KB), пополнете ја, преименувајте ја со вашето име и презиме, и испратете ја на со назнака дека е за филмските работилници.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Продолжување на рокот за испракање на пријавите за работилниците

Дечки и девојки ве известуваме дека рокот за пријавување на работилниците што ги организира cre8ive8 е продолжен до 15 Септември, Лугето што ке бидат избрани ке бидат известени до 17 Септември.

За повеке информации прочитајте подоле!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007



Cre8ive8 e младинска филмска продукција поддржана од Британскиот Совет во Македонија. Oваа есен, Cre8ive8 организира три еднодневни филмски работилници кои ќе бидат одржани од млади филмски ентузијасти - членови на Cre8ive8.

За учество на работилниците можат да се пријават сите средношколци од 15 до 18 години со живеалиште во Скопје, и со интерес за филм и филмска продукција.

Пријавувањето за првата работилница е до 10 септември 2007 г. Избраните 25 учесници ќе бидат известени до 15 септември, а првата работилница ке се одржи на 22 Септември во просториите на Британскиот совет во Македонија

Како да се пријавите: симнете ја пријавата (.doc 48KB), пополнете ја, преименувајте ја со вашето име и презиме, и испратете ја на со назнака дека е за филмските работилници.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

From Cre8ive8's BSSS07 Workshop

This is a clip made by the group of young people who worked with Irena and found their inspiration in a g l a s s :)

From Cre8ive8's BSSS07 Workshop

This is a clip made by the group of young people who worked with Damjan and found their inspiration in a s p o o n. :)

Thursday, July 05, 2007

BSSS 2007 "Challenge yourself"

It's the final countdown before 3 cre8ive8 t-shirts and 3 carbon-based cre8ive beings wearing them set off for the hot peanut-ish south-east city of Strumica, where this year's Blue
Sky summer school is taking place. So, dear beloved participants of Blue Sky summer school 2007, get ready for 6 cre8ive hands, 3 heads, 3 cre8ive livers, minimum 1800 cre8ive muscles, plus 60 fingers & toes. As moving towards the south you will not only witness the thermometers' temperatures increase, but you will also notice an amazing activity in the right hemisphere of the cre8ive brains. The diagnose is nothing else but 'blueskyius excitement fever' spreading all around. It is believed that the cre8ive8 beings are one of the most dangerous hosts of that virus, since they have been exposed to it in the last 4 years. This is supported by strong evidence comprised in the C8 team that will attend bsss07.
Proof No.1 known under the name of Aleksandar Mickov, the truly craziest cre8ivestein who has attended all Blue sky summer schools since the be
ginning of the cre8ive era, in 2004.
Proof No. 2 is Mr. Damjan CD, who has reached the top of the evolution (just metaphorically speaking :) starting as a participant in BSSS 2004, than transforming into admin, followed by the transformation of an group leader, and now finally being a cre8ivestein at BSSS07. And the last (but not the least) is Irena (Proof No. 3) as part of the C8 BSSS07 team whose role will mainly be to reduced ch
ase away any posible doze of sanity left in the C8 team :). Two more cre8ivesteins will be there on the spot (Dzida and oxo) but this time infiltrated about the teachers and the organising team.

The official team of 3 C8 people (except for making the summer school look more beautiful :), will also have the task of documenting the summer school activities, making interviews, producing cre8ive promo clips afterwards, as well as work on catching tones of juicy footage. The interstellar communicability and quest for new filmmaking talents will also be a feature that the cre8ivestents will have with them, thus encouraging all interested and enthusiastic participants not to doubt even for a millisecond to share an idea with Cre8ive8.

So long for now, much more after the Cre8ive Blue Sky crimes :)

Your faithful reporter,

The Cre8ive8 Clapping Board :)

Monday, April 30, 2007

Youth Sport Action!

How about some thrill in April? Golden sunsets for the eyes, sand of friendship, lake of cultures, youth in the air. This is a story from our flight with wings in the waters of creativity. A flight like this does not only require having a ticket... You also need to open your mind widely and challenge yourself. Or open your lens, and turn the record button on, if you are a camera. Enough Literature. It's time for a history briefing: The cre8ive8 cameras run the battle, during the Youth, Sport, Action (YSA) event (Solar system, Earth, Europe, Macedonia, 10-14 April 2007). A team of 4 cameras was nominated to lead the team of 8 cre8ive8 people. And what the cameras have seen is 200 young people endorsing youth through sport and culture, cre8ive8 being cre8ive again, and action being activated. The Smart Big Sony High Definition camera interested in statistics found out that young people from 11 different countries from all around Europe stayed in Ohrid for 5 days and 4 nights. Each county representative were consisted of a team of 10 young people. Furthermore, each country team paired with a team from different city from the UK in the process of developing their project…enough statistics… The old wise Big Canon preferring philosophy, always looking for causes and purposes, said that the purpose of the event was promotion of the universal sport values through challenging games, fun, teambuilding spiced up with interactive learning and developing skills and confidence. While the cameras were wandering around catching some quite interesting footage, a team of 3 charmingly cre8ive ladies worked together with HCH (his cre8ive highness) Mr. Oxo on training the filmmakers group on developing film and media magic powers. Meanwhile, the Editing suite keyboard and mouse worked intensively on editing. The cre8ive mouse physician witnessed the phenomenon: The editing velocity was continually increasing, due to the augmented frequency of the cre8ive waves. In less than 15 hours of wild montage ride, a 9 min clip, depicting the Ohrid event activities, was created. And finally, the cre8ive8 headphones present in the role of psychiatrist, reported that the atmosphere was completely enjoyable, the brain cells were exposed on positive energy vibrations, the synapses were amplified as a result of the open mindedness & communication shocks, the muscles were strengthened after the late hours dancing, as well as the Ohrid sightseeing, only the middle ear complained about the wild music in the disco. All in all, this is absolutely not all. The YSA event was definitely an experience that toughened the muscles of cre8ive8, challenged our stamina, and offered 1000% fun for the Cre8ive8 cameras, and 100000% for Cre8ive8 beings…of course.

As you can see the month of April has been quite thrilling for the Cre8ive8 dudes!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

The C8 People :)

These are the people that make Cre8ive8 Cre8ive8 :) Each one of them is a world of its own ... this is actually our "who is who" list from BSSS 06. Since then the team counts 4 members more which by C8's tradition are called the Newbies. Will add their profiles soon .....

Specimen N. C8801 / Alexander

This specimen is quite unique. It is believed that his insanity, humour and love for vine have not yet been matched. Though, a potential danger to all female interviewees, Alexander seems to have quite a relaxing effect on his team mates. If you are allergic to laughing, please do not get anywhere near him. Nevertheless, despite his “extremely cheerful” attitude towards things he usually takes his assignments seriously.

What you might need to ask him: Does he ever recall being abducted by aliens?

Specimen N. C8810 / Irena

You’ll find his specimen exceptional. Among her fellow colleagues Irena is known as one of the most enthusiastic and joyful ones. Charismatic, systematic, and full of life, working with her has been a pleasure and a privilege. However be careful if sharing a room with her she might come up with fiddly passwords and threaten you with one of her 3 toothbrushes. So far we’ve evaluated her as a good friend and reliable teammate.

What you might need to ask her: What really happened on the last night of BSSS 05?

Specimen N. C88178 / Dzadze

We call her Dzadze you can do the same...We have to warn you about her great optimism, her laughter which never goes away and is used for charming when necessary - be careful:)

She is mostly known for her endless creativity though. She's the newest and youngest member in our team, but take her signature as soon as possible cause tomorrow she might be living in Hollywood like a famous actress. If you see someone madly parachuting in the air that might be her and her second wish coming true... She adores monkeys so if you buy her one she'll adore you too :)
So that's all folks!

Specimen N. C8811 / Martin

Martin: If you cannot locate this guy, try the nearest mountain for he loves high places and is always on the look out for new adventures. On the other hand, Martin is this quite tall violin player that enjoys photography and can fix your computer before you say: “C-O-F-F-E-E A-D-D-I-C-T”

What you might need to ask him: How does he know what direction to take if it’s raining?

Specimen N. C8812 / Vesna

She’s a cheese and beer – loving dreamer like creature who loves to observe and experiment. Very open minded and cheerful, Vesna has been accused of working hard and sleeping a lot so .. you do the math:-) She’s not always organised and never at home. It is believed that she has a photographic memory and a sense a humor twice her size. Dzidza is her alter ego and she does have a thing for blogs :)

What you might need to ask her: Is it true that her baby turtle managed to escape from her?

Specimen N. C8805/ Damjan Cvetkov Dimitrov Once cl

assified as an organism, and once classified as a mammal, he contradicts himself constantly by releasing thou

ghts in the air that travel through the ear drum or the retina to the brain. Hunting for some nice compact truth and some leftover reality is his main obsession, while driving out the squirrels to their own dimension is his hobby. He says HI, and has independent locomotion on each ear.

Specimen N. C8802 / Boro

One of the tallest specimens you’ll ever see. You’ll get neck pains just by looking at him. So far he has established himself as a capable Sounds Maestro and a truly artistic photographer. What’s interesting about Boro is that regardless of his dark humour and the face of a naughty boy he obviously has, he’s an extremely pleasant and original young man (don’t tell him we said this). He also says he’s musically gifted .. that is yet to be proven:-)
What you might need to ask him: What’s it like to see everything from a bird’s viewpoint?

Specimen N. C8807 / Vladislav

He walks, he talks and he thinks like a computer genious. This specimen is the equipment guy in the team. Analysis show that this experienced and confident creature knows how to live life in a non-binary fashion. Very outgoing and communicative you can easily locate him at night, drinking ness coffee and discussing technicalities.

What you might need to ask him: What’s his favourite number .. 1 or 0? :-)

Specimen N. C8806 / Boris
You will probably see this specimen the least. The reason for this might be because he’s vibrating with the speed of sound. Always partying and never at home, Boris has shown the professionalism required within a team. Of course this does not stop him from being childish and adventurous most of the time. .

What you might need to ask him: Does he realise that he’s giving people a “short hair” complex?

Specimen N. C8814/ Eleonora

The info received directly from this specimen is little due to short observation time. However, the info gathered from her fellow specimens is absolutely overwhelming. She has been recognized as a skilled leader, good friend and a journalist you shouldn’t play around with:-). Eleonora is always up to new challenges and ready to amaze people with her ideas, enthusiasm and passion for work.
What you might need to ask her: Does she realise how much she was missed?

What would I like to ask her: Can she smuggle you to Lisbon?

Specimen N. C8818 / Andrew

This specimen is truly intriguing. He honestly thinks he’s a Mallard. And what’s even stranger is that everyone around him believes this absolutely unsubstantiated story. This blue – eyed enthusiast is well known for his kitchen parties and flying abilities. A courageous man who believes that impossible is nothing. Andrew not only went after his dream of C8 but now has to deal with them every day:-). Our research shows that this Mallard is considered one of the most inspiring feather creatures Macedonian youth has ever seen. This Mallard is convinced that growing up is optional.

What you might need to ask him: What's it like to fly?

Specimen N. C8819 / Paul

This English-speaking, camera addicted, fearless Skylord suffers from the same illness like everyone else from this group. Only Paul believes he’s a Teddy Bear. We’ve tried to convince him that bears don’t fly … but every attempt has failed. Professional and encouraging, this beer – loving furry creature is a true nutter for young people. Throughout training and mentoring the younger specimens, he has empowered and showed them how to use the power of film and media to realise ideas. Warning, he’s known for his ability to bring out the best in people, so if you don’t wanna ruin your reputation stay away. Always lovable and goofy…

What would I like to ask him: Does beer - healing – therapy work?

Specimen N. C8820 / Eli

You can easily spot this one. Huge smile, big brown eyes and the truly inspiring effect she has on people. Her case is the worst, I’m afraid. She claims to be an imaginary mythical creature called The Treehuger. Though, hard working and busy during daylight, or outgoing and dynamic during the night, her positive energy and optimism are highly contagious. This true professional in the art of living is the team’s leader.

What would I like to ask her: When is she planning to buy a van so that the whole team can fit in it?

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Newbies training 2

This past weekend the office in which Cre8ive8 is installed was extremely crowded and joyful. Kinda like a kindergarten. :) This is no crime! We are young people after all!Anywayz, we have had new add-ons to the team, and logically, they needed to be provided with some wacky training :) ... which we are obviously so good at giving :) It was our 1st peer 2 peer training that we gave to a new member, speaking of which, u have probably heard of .... this is the BS E-zine Master, the DNB at heart and Ninja News host .... (drum roll please) ..... Mr. Damjan Cvetkov Dimitrov. Or in a world of USB drives known as Damjan CD. So, Damjan congratulations are in order. Your beard is our lucky charm ... or was it only the left part of it?Also joining Damjan, was Frosina Ilievska, part of the Macedonian Values Quest Core team which during the project will take on a role as a film maker. Let's be serious the girl's got a lot of potential and no doubt we have infected her with our sneaky filming techniques. So, world watch out! :PThe training last weekend included teambuilding sessions, filming & sound sessions, storyboarding and scriptwriting sessions. This weekend the training is taking place only on Saturday and it will include working sessions on editing, sound and dvd building.What's even more delightful is that all 6 generations of Cre8ives (also known as the 6 waves) participated in the training and gave their full support to the newbies. Just like a huge film production family :)And some people dare to say we don't work hard .. ha?!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

To be or not to be?

The month of January for Cre8ive8 has definitely been the month of plays, dramas and acting :)
What we're on about is the 3rd English Drama Festival that was held on the 16th December 2006. This cheerful event took place at the Dramski theater in Skopje and featured 12 drama groups aged 9-20 who performed the plays they had written by themselves. And of course Cre8ive8 was present there with its members who performed their own plays in their own heads. It's much safer that way :) Haha ... the team enjoyed itself and managed to relax in the "young-ish" atmosphere floating all around. Just a couple of days ago the promo DVD of the festival was finished including all 12 plays and a short clip about the teacher's comments.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Aladdin in Chinatown :)

… All I want for Christmas is you… is what Mariah Carry would say. But if you ask Cre8ive8, they would definitely ask for another Pantomime. And if you ask why, you will certainly get the simplest answer. Because it was on of the most exciting, enjoyable, amusing, amazing, funny, interesting, puzzling, brilliant, thrilling, hilarious events we ever took part in. Aladdin in China, extremely positive people of all ages taking the challenge of acting, fascinating story, fascinated audience, great scene set up, and even greater back stage atmosphere is a short depiction of what was happening for more than 7200 seconds. And the eye of Cre8ive8 was there to film it all. We put the evidence of that amazing crime, which is considered to be a traditional English Christmas play, happening in Macedonia for second time this year, on 5 tapes, filmed from 3 different cameras. Thanks to the warm and friendly team, which was responsible for this play, we managed to make interviews with almost all of the actors, including the British Ambassador, and the director of the play. We also did what we always do, which is catching much juicy footage. No more words are needed, because the DVD we have produced tells more than 1000 words of what was happening during the Pantomime. So, hope you will have the creative chance to take a look at it.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Somewhere in the second week of December 2 little (or not so little :) Cre8ives were invited to work & document the 1st Regional Session of the European Youth Parliament for SEE ... SEE the Future. Vesna (Dzi :) and Alex were their names. But that was not all. Since in most stores when you buy 2 u get 1 plus .. on our biggest delight we had one C8 member joining us who's role this time was strictly EYP-ish.
That was Tamara and she was an Orga (- nizer - of course :) And so together this lovely trio, supporting each other, worked brilliantly together (whether we had problems or ran out of alchocol). Joking .. :) What we can say about the Session was that it was a very intensive and exausting event, on which people had a lot of fun but at the same time learned many things. If you are interested in how the Session looked like - the What Makes a Session link on their website should give u a good clue. We have to add that the parties were very good and that perhaps it wasn't as bad that sometimes we were feeling cold since it motivated us to go and mingle. We believe that C8 left a very good impression on this Session and left a very professional image behind with the people that attended it. Proof of this, lies in the Cumu article in which we were included and of course became famous again. Autogram signing is tomorrow :P Hehe .. anyhow ... a 5 min official clip was made of the event and finished about a week ago.
Hope u like it!

P.S> I'm afraid that this is the part when we'd have to mention the President of the Session Ms. Elena Stavrevska and thank her for the endless support, all those nights spent in laughter and of course the lovely gatherings were she threatened us that "We would be creating outside :)" if we didn't quiet down. It was Alex's fault :D

That's all amigos! Astaluego :)