Think of a line… think of a unity of dots, floating freely through out the space…
Now think of a unity of young people, floating through the cre8ive world of ideas…think of Art Line…
It all started almost a year ago, at the beginning of 2006. Till then, C8 had worked mainly on promotional films, we all felt that it was high time to set free our ideas in the field of short art films. And so, the Art Line Project was born. At first it looked like an ambitious & promising idea, but later on it proved to be much more. The point was to open this project for other inspired young people as well, so we made an open invitation to all young film enthusiasts to join C8 as cooperators in this project. It was absolutely fantastic to realize that out there there are so many young inspired & inspiring people, who look for opportunities to devote the cre8ive energy.
The Art Line Project was an opportunity like that. Even from the very beginning of the project was followed by fresh, open-minded ideas. Three intriguing topics were chosen to be the themes for the films.We were to work on Flirt, Paradox & Muse. All three ideas are closely connected to the young person, who copes with the flirt in the everyday life, looking for a muse, source of inspiration, while trying to understand the paradox of living to die. After 2 months active work on the scripts, we started filming the 1st Art Line film "Flirt". It was an unbelievable experience. Experience that helped C8 to mature like a team in a way and develop relationships with the talented people taking part on the Art Line project. We also got deeper into the work of professional film making. It was amazing being part of a team of young amateur professionals, working with such enthusiasm.
We managed to film the 15 min film in 2 days, or shall I say 2 nights. The location where the filming was set, Kapan An, was a perfect for the flirt crime. Mysterious hallways, candle lights, beautiful girls, and shining coins… it's just part of the story. Wait for the rest by February 2006, when to postproduction of the film is about to be finished.